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Dear Cousins,

This is a post dedicated to my best friends - my cousins. Marissa, Rebecca, Candice, Rayven and Jurnee. I know a lot of people claim to have cousins who they aren’t even related to but all of our mothers are actually sisters and were lucky enough to have girls close in age. We are all so different, yet so similar with the same sense of silly humour. Being brought up in similar ways means we mainly have the same values, can relate to each other on so much and find the same things hilarious. I was an only child until I was 9 but never did I feel alone as my weekends and holidays were spent with these 5 girls.

Marissa - My amazing oldest cousin and mother to two gorgeous boys. Our relationship has changed in recent years as we all get closer in age and hang out more. Us younger girls can now go out with our older cousin without her feeling too old for us. She always speaks her mind which I admire her for and underneath her hard exterior has a loving heart. I have a soft spot for Aquarius’ and I love her loads.

Rebecca - I have called Beck my sister for as long as I can remember. She is my God Sister so I guess that half counts. We are extremely close and can talk to each other about anything. She is the one who will participate in all of the stupid things I do, make anyone laugh and has protected us all like her little sisters our whole lives - thanks sis.

Candice - This firecracker and I always used to fight, mainly because we are so very different. That is what equally makes our relationship and bond so special. She works so hard and can achieve anything she puts her mind to and I admire her for that. We always bounce ideas off each other and I love how much we can inspire each other. Thanks for holding my hand on the plane :)

Rayven - There is literally no one like this extravagant human being. I’ve never been so similar and so different to anyone in my life. We find the exact stupid things funny, mainly memes. She is a really calm person to be around with the most amazing energy. We also dance, sing our hearts out and cry in sync - that’s love.

Jurnee - Not to make you feel young but my/the baby. This was the cutest little cousin I ever had who was 6 years old to us from 6 until about till 13, when we realised she actually isn’t a baby anymore. She is always working hard to make sure she gets what she wants and I know she would do anything for me as I would for her.

I cannot wait to grow old with all of you and for our children to be best friends like we are. It’s crazy to me how some people aren’t that close with their cousins because we are probably a bit too close and I couldn’t be without them. Just thought I’d be soppy and show my appreciation to these amazing women. Love you lots xox

With Love,

Shay RS x

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