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Jumper: Adidas Jeans: Bershka Bag: Zara Jacket: Primark Boots: Doctor Marten

Surviving or sometimes not without a 9-5. Well straight after University I bagged my dream job working as a Social Media Manager for a well known photographer. It was convenient, part-time, well paid and I had the luxury of working from home most days.

No matter how much I loved the job itself, I couldn't sustain the working relationship any longer and so I parted ways with the photographer. However I gained great experience as a Social Media Manager, working BTS and an understanding of how I wanted my future working life to be and that did not include a 9-5. It was around the same time I had started Dear Humans With Love and I loved the 'get up and go' of it all.

One day I would be on my sofa with a crumpet in one hand and my laptop in another searching the latest news trends and the next day I was at a business meeting at Shoreditch House feeling like I worked for Mirander Prisely. Every single day was different and I always had something to look forward to.

Once that business relationship ended I realised two things 1. I loved Social Media Managing and 2. I didn't want a 9-5. Soon after I worked part-time in various roles and did freelance Social Media Managing for a few companies and events which was great. I spent my days researching, scheduling posts and writing blog posts which I was told the CEO loved *champagne emoji*.

I always wanted to take blogging more seriously but once business opportunities started coming my way it gave me that push I needed to take more of a professional approach. I knew I could be saving a lot of money by cutting out my commute to London so I found the perfect part-time job not too far from my house. It allows me to work on my

blog, photography and more 5 hours a day, go to work and then come home and work some more or more often than not Netflix and chill.

Now that I know I will never have a steady monthly income it is up to me and only me to ensure I have enough funds to do what I need to do. Here's a little 'life without a 9-5 guide' from someone who isn't do amazingly but isn't doing terribly either, lol.

1. Generate more than one stream of income

I am currently working part-time whilst generating money from my blog and freelance photography. I love having free time in my day to be creative but I also will never know how much money I'll make each month. However I do know my minimum income for each month and anything else is a lovely bonus and probs gets spent on Zara.

2. Always live within your means

This one is for anyone working anywhere, whether you're making £7 an hour or 50k a year. Live within what you can afford, what makes sense for your lifestyle and always have a little money saved to fall back on.

3. Work on your 'end goal'

I know exactly what my end goal looks like and what my dream job is and so I work everyday on the things that will eventually get me there. If I didn't spend my free time chasing my dreams, I would be wasting my own time.

4. Work to increase your income

Each month I work, pushing myself harder than I did the month before and always trying to increase last months cheque.

5. Plan & save

Again this covers anyone working in any industry. Plan your income to the last pound and save as much as you can.

6. Don't be lazy

As much as I am hypocrite for even typing this if you eventually want to work for yourself you literally have no time to be lazy. All this 'free' time everyone thinks I have has a purpose and that purpose is to work just as hard if not harder than the people in full time positions. Every minute my mind or fingers are working to create.

7. Be realistic

I know that it isn't easy surviving off of a freelance lifestyle. There are some months (every month) I wish I had that big payday to look forward to but then I remember I am working to secure the kind of future that works for myself and for now this is it. I obviously have a realistic plan and targets to hit and I do have a degree and a lot of work experience to fall back on if that day shall come but for now I'm going to create, because that's what I love to do and that's what makes me happy.

I can't wait to show you all what I have been working on outside of this blog and my work which is one of my greatest passions in life, it's going to be great. Are any of you in the same position as me or are you thinking about leaving your 9-5? Leave me a comment down below.

Love, Shay.

London Snow Days, Fashion Blogger

London Snow Days, Fashion Blogger

London Snow Days, Fashion Blogger

London Snow Days, Fashion Blogger

London Snow Days, Fashion Blogger



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