Monday morning,
snooze, snooze, repeat. We wake up feeling like our weekend has flashed right past us in the blink of an eye. I think it is something to do with that 5:2 weekday to weekend ratio *rolls eyes*. Summer weekends should be a good mixture of partying, Netflix, sleep and good food. Here’s how to make every second of your weekend count but let’s face it 48 hours will never be long enough.
Friday is the new Saturday and Saturday hangovers are the new Sunday hangovers. Going out Friday night instead of Sunday gives you a chance to recover and enjoy your Saturday night/Sunday. When we wake up with a hangover on a Sunday it usually leads to a day of bed and before we know it, Monday’s moody ass is biting us on our bums again.
Waking up early on a weekend sounds pretty similar to hell on earth, I know. But let’s face it, you are probably in a routine and your body clock will wake you up relatively early anyway. Waking up early and running errands early mean you will more hours to yourself. The days feel a little longer and you can spend the rest of your day doing the fun stuff. Lunches, Cinema, Park, BBQ’s etc.
Ok it may not make your weekend feel any longer but the weekend is the perfect (only) time you can actually get up and tick learning to play the recorder off of your bucket list. You have a full day to indulge in your new hobby.
Suggestions (aka things I want to try myself)
Learn a new language
Sundays are my favourite day of the week. If I had to describe Sunday in one word it would be, cosy. I enjoy good movies, family time, Sunday dinner and well just the joy of doing NOTHING. When I get a chilled Sunday I truly enjoy living in the moment, putting my phone down and going back to a time when we had a slower life not controlled by Social Media.
How do you utilise your weekends?
With Love,
Shay RS x