Dear Humans,
What is self love exactly? It is something that we all know we should have but struggle to keep a hold of and sadly some of us never experience it at all. I wanted to write this post because like all of the other 100 things I am working on self love is definitely at the top of my list. How can we expect others to love and respect us if we do not love and respect ourselves, daily, every minute and every second. I want to encourage others to believe in self love and know the benefits of speaking positivity into existence.
I am a woman, a loving woman with a big heart. I was made perfectly, the colour of my skin reminds me of my family history everyday, the gap in my teeth reminds me of the oh so loving family I belong to and then theres this mind of mine. The one that often drifts, the one that had me doodling in the back of my school book, the one that guides me, the one that reminds me, the one that brings me memories, the one that is always there.
I used to get upset with myself for being stressed and feeling anxious. But self love is about accepting the wonderful parts of you and understanding the more challenging parts. They are all equally wonderful. I believe we are all equal, every single one of us. When I was about 10 I came up with this theory that every person is equal and for this to be true everything is calculated. By this I mean every single detail about who we as a being is written in the stars and when you analyse every factor they all make 100. No one on this earth is less than or more than 100. Celebrities, those on the fringe of society we are all 100. I hope that made sense. I’ve wanted to express this for a while but was not sure how to go about explaining it, if you got it please leave me a comment.
Acceptance and understanding are building blocks to becoming the best version of ourselves. Love yourself as loud, as shy and as untoned you may be. What is more beautiful than acceptance and growth? We should always be pushing to be the best version of ourselves but there is no end goal for this, human beings are a working progress. Allow yourself to notice your faults, take time to correct them - that is key. You may think you will love yourself once you achieve your goals like getting a better job, losing more weight or volunteering more. We should love ourselves from the very beginning, be your own motivation and don’t wait to tell yourself how amazing your are. I hope we all strive for endless self love until the day we pass away.
Self love is compassionate, understanding, never ignorant, accepting, loving, motivating and honest.
Once you are honest with yourself about who you are, the world really does become your oyster. How can anything hold you back when you know in your heart nothing can.
I am anxious, I love hard and I always think (know) I’m right. But I am who I am and I love me.
I would love for you all to say out loud right now or when you are in a quiet place.
I am me…
There is no one else like me…
I was put on this earth for a reason…
I won’t apologise for being me…
I am amazing…
I wanted to include exercises in some of my posts that I believe will be beneficial for all of my wonderful humans. So this is my first one, for those of you struggling with self love or wanting to accept your flaws.
Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and on one side write 'I accept' and on the other side 'Things to work on'. Write down things that you accept and are happy with about yourself and things that you would like to work on. Here is an example made by myself.
When you have written down what you would like to work on, write down ways in which you want to or can actively work towards bettering these. Stick this paper on your fridge, in your room or simply keep it on your best side table to remind yourself on what you need to do. This should be done every 3-6 months and if you truly stick to your bullet points the things you need to work on should shift over to I ACCEPT. Bare in mind that there should always be something on the 'Things to work on' list, there are always ways things to improve on. A few examples are
- Spending more time with family
- Money management
- Being open minded
- Going to church regularly
Here is a short video about me accepting who I am, I hope this inspires somebody, somewhere. Thank you to SG capture for the amazing visuals.
With Love,
Shay RS x